One on One

Drop In - 6 Sessions -12 Sessions
Online or In-person

House of Pause was born with the intention to encourage one to slow down in this distraction-filled, fast-paced world. Being unbusy seems to be a rare luxury but it doesn’t have to be. We can all benefit from calming our minds and embracing quiet spaces within ourselves.

Get clarity in your authentic power and blueprint of who you are

The human body and mind were never designed to withstand relentless engagement without rest. If we were to be honest with ourselves, we would all agree that a healthy, well-looked-after mind essentially sets the tone for how one approaches everything in life. We believe in pause because we are convinced of the importance of taking the time to listen to our mind (and by extension, the body), and offering them both the respect they deserve.

Shift your patterns and programming

House of Pause is a safe, secular and uplifting space (online and offline) for investigation of self. Through sessions, retreats, tools and resources that strive to gently remind you to find pockets of pauses to reconnect to self. We hold closely our core values of non-judgments, gentle compassion and respect and privacy to all that comes through our day. We humbly walk towards a vision where everyone in this world will be on a path of living a conscious and aligned way of life.

I work with a handful of people only each month.

Deep work that results in
transformational change.

  • We get into the core of you - in all of its mess and magic. Whether it is working through your anxiety, healing past wounds to dissolving limiting beliefs, we will work alongside each other to create those positive shifts.

  • Learn what holds you back, what drives you forward and what’s keeping you stuck.

  • When we move into conscious isolation and silence, we hear more of our own voice instead of others.

  • Gain insights into tools and techniques to help you notice and break your unconscious patterns. Healing is not a linear journey, you will learn to ride these waves.

  • Supporting you in your self-awakening and living your best self.

My mission is

to ignite and support all in the practice of self-enquiry and self-expansion.

When I started House of Pause, I aim to make it a safe, secular and uplifting space (online and offline) for investigation of self. Through our mindfulness-based sessions, retreats, tools and resources that strive to gently remind the people we serve to find pockets of pauses to reconnect to self.

One day, I wish that everyone will be on a path of living a conscious and aligned way of life. They authentically find their own unique bearings in life and make ‘pauses’ (slow living) a way of life.

The guiding ethos we work with includes, free of dogma teaching, non-judgmental listening and communication, gentle compassion in the work, respect and privacy.

Success Stories

“That eight week with Ferina was the hardest yet most liberating time for me. She holds the space with such gentleness but has a no-nonsense approach to helping me create the change. I am so forever grateful to you. Thank you for reminding me of me again”

— AisHA B, UaE

“The best investment for myself!!! If only we are not physically separated Ferina, or else I will be giving you a hug after every session. I met Ferina during Covid lockdown and joined her online free sessions. Right there, I knew she will hold the safest and impactful space for me. I am now living my most authentic and best self. I’m excited again for life, thank you!”


“I was on a crossroad in my life. These sessions were transformative for me. I felt heard, supported. Ferina helped break down my unconscious patterns and help me build new ones that is now key in my life toolbox to tackle whatever that is ahead of me. Highly recommend her for someone you trust and push you to your best self.”

— Harriet, UK

Ready to work together?

By applying you are under no obligation to work with me.


  • Coaching is a targeted, interactive and transformational process to help you achieve your desired results. At House of Pause, we help our clients achieve through powerful conversations that are intended to inspire new ways of listening, thinking and behaviour to reach your goals.

  • We are not attached to a particular tool, technique or approach but our methods are largely mindfulness and meditation based. Why, because breaking the unconscious or conscious patterns stems greatly from building self-awareness. From here, we use observational perspective, unearth its core and equip you with tools to navigate the complexities of the different areas of their lives.

  • Yes, you can. Through honest conversations with yourself and the discipline to do the work, change will inevitably happen. This isn’t a quick weight loss hack or fix, but about being honest, brave and compassionate as you unpack the self-limiting beliefs or negative patterns and look at carving the path towards the best you. We have seen clients change in powerful ways - from emotional mastery, relationships, career to profoundly shift the trajectory of life.

  • We meet clients once a week. There is no fixed time frame but through many years of experience, we have found that 4-8 weeks of working alongside each other creates the best momentum and change. We have clients who work with us for a small duration of time to multiple months at a time.

  • Yes, we do. We have served clients in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Australia, Indonesia and more. As long as you have an internet connection, sessions can be done via a video platform, Zoom.

  • What happens in our session, stays in our sessions. Part of our company ethos is we value trust and privacy of our clients and take every precaution to safeguard it. We follow a strict client-coach ethical code.