Let resT, RECOVERY & RESILIENCE be part of your ROI

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At a time when many of us spend a large portion of our lives at our jobs, our work and workplace can often be a source of intense stress, anxiety, and burnout. Our Corporate Wellbeing Initiatives aim to be part of the new way of balancing work and life by boosting productivity while cultivating an improved environment for mental and emotional resilience and balance.

1/3 of the employees are reported to have experienced high levels of psychological distress since the global pandemic. Compounding with an overwhelmed and burnout workforce, there’s never been a more crucial time for organisations to invest in the mental fitness of their people and provide accessible mental well-being practices within the corporate culture.


The human body and mind were never designed to withstand relentless engagement without rest. Just like the smartphone, we can’t always be ‘on’.
If we were honest with ourselves, we would all agree that a healthy, well-looked-after mind sets the tone for how one approaches everything in life.


of employees report feeling emotionally detached at work since the pandemic. Since the pandemic, nearly half (48%) of employees say their mental wellbeing has declined.

2022 Gartner Workforce Resilience Employee Survey

1 in 6

experience mental health problems in the workplace. And the majority feel uncomfortable discussing their mental health in the workplace.

National Institute of Mental Health

$1 TN

is the global cost of poor employee mental health to businesses annually. This equates to around 50 million years of work lost to stress, depression, and anxiety.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Create a company culture with
mental resilience and emotional intelligence at its core

According to WHO, most nations only allocates 2% of budgets for mental health yet performance are peaked at work and the day-to-day with mindfulness. Such technique has shown to improve performance on complex cognitive tasks as one learn to manage energy, attention and eliminate external distractions. This also serves to reduce stress, anxiety and lead to better communication and listening in any relationships.

SCience-backed & DATA-DRIVEN

By focusing on mindfulness-based techniques, our approach assists leaders and teams in cultivating their awareness skills, improving mood management, boosting rest quality, and reducing burnout which ultimately generates increased energy throughout the day. We work alongside organisations to analyse the current workforce and identify gaps before implementing a proposed solution for both individuals and teams.


According to a study published in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, consistent mindfulness and meditation practice heighten our capacity to sustain attention. This leads to enhancements in problem-solving, critical and strategic thinking, and decision-making abilities. A mindful individual can only lead a mindful team who are rooted in deep understanding, listening, and communication allowing an environment of stronger interpersonal connections among employees.


Effective team management is associated with reduced bias and resentment, as well as the cultivation of deep understanding. This includes training line managers to be well-being leads within the organisation. These positive changes ripple throughout the organisation, improving teamwork and overall business decisions. Prioritising mental health in corporate culture can also contribute to a more favourable work environment, reduced absenteeism, and increased employee engagement and productivity.

Is Your team ready to revolutionise
the way you work?

Companies that have benefited from our services


    • Improved mental health

    • Less stress and anxiety

    • Increased focus, creativity and concentration

    • Boosts productivity and efficiency

    • Better emotional and mental resilience

  • Yes, we have offered online sessions for corporations with global teams.

  • There are 3 options to choose from:

    1. Come to our studio
    Your team can receive sessions at our space equipped with our cushions, mats, essential oils and teas. For larger-sized groups, our friends at Nasab can support you with your space needs including catering from the famous restaurant Lowe.

    2. At your office
    We can come to your office. This also includes options for a tailored session to meet your team's objectives.

    3. Online session
    Our online sessions are available for your, anywhere you are in the world.

  • We offer customised programs and services based on your company’s needs including but not limited to the following:

    • Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions

    • Executive Coaching

    • One on One C-Suite Sessions

    • Design of meditations spaces in the office

    • Meditation Retreats

  • Mental health accounts for more than a third of total disability but according to WHO, many countries spend only 2% of their health budgets on mental health. If budget is an issue for your company, can we suggest looking into budget relocation for this program because this is not just another team-building exercise.

    Refer to an article: 5 reasons your company should invest in mindfulness training